Raleigh Durham
919 601 9053

GE Emergency Medical Services HandHeld UltraSounds Vscan

GE VScan Hand Held UltraSound Raleigh Durham Medical Douglas Hartley


Care Area

Primary Care

Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medical Services


Women's Health


Procedural Ultrasound

Hospital Adminstration

Medical Education


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GE Vscan Sector


Gather additional information about your patients before or during transport wherever your patients are with handheld ultrasound.

Find the information you need now

Save time through simple operation and built-in protocols

1/3 of patients had significant findings to possibly aid diagnosis and prevent misdiagnosis, potentially reducing time to diagnosis in the ED.1

Facilitate efficient scans through automated measurements

In emergency care, the focused echocardiography may allow a prompt diagnosis and, consequently, earlier initiation of the therapy.2

All-in-one dual probe system for quick checks and simple procedures

In major trauma patients, using handheld ultrasound to conduct FAST exams can help save precious time in emergency situations.3

Flexible connectivity to share and store images

Vscan Extend offers a flexible wireless workflow, making it easy to send images and data wherever you need them to be stored or shared.