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3M responds to 2019 Novel Coronavirus


Tuesday, January 28, 2020 4:26 pm CST

As the 2019 Novel Coronavirus continues to impact people around the world, 3M is increasing global production of personal protective equipment products – including respirators – in response to the outbreak.

3M is seeing increased demand in China and other regions responding to the outbreak. 3M is working with customers, distributors, and government and health officials to help them obtain needed supplies. 3M is a leader in personal protective equipment for healthcare professionals, workers and the public, and is committed to supporting the public health and governmental response to the coronavirus. 

3M has donated medical supplies such as respirators, surgical masks and hand sanitizer in affected areas in China, and we will continue to work with our humanitarian aid partners such as Wuhan Red Cross, Direct Relief and MAP International to provide needed equipment.

3Mgives, the social investment arm of 3M, also pre-stocks supplies with humanitarian aid partners, and these product donations – including N95 or equivalent respirators – were provided to be rapidly deployed to affected communities. This is in addition to local 3M China product donations of respirators, surgical masks and hand sanitizer, totaling more than $1 million USD to date.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported the outbreak of disease originating in Wuhan City, China, caused by the novel coronavirus in December 2019. While the initial cases of this virus have been associated with a specific seafood and animal market in Wuhan, additional cases have been reported mostly in China and several other countries, including the United States.

Symptoms of the virus may include fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty breathing.

Inquiries from organizations and individuals seeking to support the response in China can reach out to 3M Global Security Operations Center at globsecopscenter@mmm.com.

For more information about respirators and the outbreak, please consult this technical bulletin from 3M’s Personal Safety Division.

This is an evolving situation, and it is recommended that all concerned consult the WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites frequently for the most updated information regarding this situation.